Got a Legal Problem, and Can’t Afford a Lawyer?

You’re not alone.

According to a “Justice Gap Measurement Survey” nearly two-thirds of Americans have experienced at least one legal issue in the past four years. This translates to roughly 55 million Americans experiencing legal problems each year. Of those, 120 million legal issues never get resolved at all, and for those that do, they are, more often than not settled unfairly…

But those are just statistics…

If you’ve stumbled across this site, chances are you’re like me, one of the many poor, unfortunate souls looking for a good night’s sleep, because you can’t afford a lawyer and worry about a nagging legal “thorn” that keeps you up at night…

Again, you’re not alone…

If the lack of money is part of the problem and you’re not able to buy your way out of a legal dilemma, because you can’t afford a lawyer, at a rate of two, three, four or five hundred dollars plus an hour, then what do you do?


And who’s to say that the bargain, corner store lawyer that you found online isn’t just stringing you along for as many “billables” as he can get out of you, or juggling a hundred other clients, competing for his time. How do you know he cares about your issue as much as you care about it?

Here’s a clue… YOU DON’T!

The American legal system has evolved into a commercial grinding wheel designed to get you to perform; and to have you perform in a commercial sense. Think about it. There are very few legal controversies not dealing with money… Money is generally the lead character in the Broadway play of your life and mine; and almost always at center stage. Just about everything is commercial. Even in equity (cases not really involving money), money plays a supporting character and role.

So again, what do you do?

In American courts, you are permitted to represent yourself – it’s called “pro se” representation. In other parts of the world, pro se representation isn’t allowed but it’s definitely allowed here in America.

So, if you can’t afford a lawyer, don’t fret…

You might say “okay but, I don’t know the first thing about courts, or procedure, or law…” and you’d be correct to pause and be intimidated…
But what if you could lean on an experienced winning attorney as a mentor; an attorney willing to teach basics, about court procedure and evidence, an attorney with nearly 40 years of winning litigation experience; an attorney willing to teach you where to find answers in your state, your court, your case?
What if he could present this material in a teaching, self-help format in bite-sized pieces, at your own pace; and the material was focused on arming you well enough to have you stand on your own two feet, with confidence in a courtroom with a judge?

Sound too good to be true?

Well, finding a fellow human being, let alone an attorney, with compassionate, caring attributes, in this day in age, may be an exception to the rule but, they do exist. That’s exactly what you stumbled upon…
I use this program myself to gain legal insights and legal standing in my own life and I can tell you from my own experience, he’s top-notch!!!

Time for an introduction…

My name is Bob Goldinger and I’m a retired military police officer, and in my collective 40+ years in the law enforcement field, I’ve come to the conclusion that few things in life are fair, unless you’re willing to fight for what’s rightfully yours. I’ve seen lots of people get railroaded simply because they couldn’t mount an effective court case or even get access to court because they were priced out because they couldn’t or can’t afford a lawyer. Those stories are for another time but, I’m sure you get my meaning…

But, if you can’t afford a lawyer, how do you fight?

Well, the courtroom can be an intimidating place for someone with no legal preparation. You’ve got to have some basic understanding of the law and your standing, if you want to exercise and enforce your rights – otherwise YOU DON’T HAVE ANY RIGHTS. You’ll simply be trampled by a system designed to eat you up and spit you out…

If you’ve ever gone to court for something as simple as a traffic ticket, you know exactly what I mean…

Here’s the thing, lawyers go to law school for at least three years to complete a Juris Doctor degree after they’ve completed their bachelor’s degree – a minimum of at least 7 years. Generally, the first year of law school is standard for law students. The student develops a foundation in constitutional law, criminal procedure, civil procedure, contract law, tort law and more. Beyond that, in the following years, the educational focus is on whatever legal specialization he chooses and allows for more customization.

But a lawyer needs that training to be able to open up a law office, to practice his specialty in all aspects and beyond. If his specialty is estate planning for instance, he needs to understand all aspects of living trusts and wills, how to manage and distribute assets, beneficiary designations, powers of attorney, and the list goes on and on…

You, on the other hand, may just need to get your rent deposit back from a shitty landlord, or stave off a nagging bill collector, or maybe you’re going through a divorce or have a traffic issue. Even if you have a criminal case, you don’t need a law degree, or be a Johnnie Cochran, Robert Shapiro or Robert Kardashian to defend yourself. You just need to learn the law as it relates to your issue and have a mentor break things down into small, very understandable segments of learning for you to navigate through the issue.

Think of it this way…

You don’t need to be a doctor to save a life or practice some basic first aid.

You just need some focused training to know how to do CPR, or stop the bleeding, or to check for a pulse before administering AED (a defibrillator).
You just need for someone, more experienced than you to show you the ropes, and to break down the learning points into simple concepts that you can understand, so you can apply some fundamentals of jurisprudence to your issue.

And here’s the thing, when you fundamentally understand what you’re doing, you convey to the opposition that you’re not one to be messed with. And this gives the other side pause to reconsider whether or not they even want to get you into a courtroom. Do you hear the word…


Learning some basic legal acumen can transform you into a caped Superhero, being the envy of friends and family. You can develop and have a valuable life skill that gives you confidence in every area of life.

Okay, we’ve established that you can’t afford a lawyer but what would it be worth to never again have your confidence shaken by someone, or some corporate body threatening you with legal action?

Think about that for a minute…

How would it feel, if and when someone threatens to sue you, you could stand confidently knowing that you can handle whatever comes your way? Or, for that matter you could just say “bring it” and mean it?

What would that be worth?

The everyday “Joe Attorney” where I’m at will charge anywhere from $150 to $500 per hour with the average being somewhere in the ballpark of about $350 an hour depending on his experience, location, case complexity/type, and even the size of the firm he works for.

Would it be worth, one, two, three, four, or even five billable hours for that kind of peace of mind? I think you would agree that it would but it won’t be anywhere near that by those standards.

But before we get into that, let’s have full disclosure…

I’ll be referring you to another site as an affiliate. That means, should you decide to purchase, there’s a commission in it for me. You’ll be able to see the schedule and how all that works when you visit the site and if you decide to participate as an affiliate, you may do so also.

Why do I tell you this?

Well, there are some folks that may have a problem with someone not disclosing this, or maybe they think that because there’s something in it for me personally, that may be the only reason I refer it in the first place – and I get it…

To that, I simply say go ahead and click on the link and then get rid of all the affiliate coding that leads back to this site. I don’t really care…

I believe in Karma, or said another way – what comes around, goes around, or the ethical principle of the Golden Rule – Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I’m an older guy and live by those principles and frankly, I don’t need the money. I’ve done pretty well for myself BUT, I don’t turn money away when it’s offered…

I believe the program I’m sharing with you here will add value to your life BUT, only if you’re willing to work for it. It certainly has added value to mine… It will undoubtedly make you stronger in a courtroom, or keep you out of one… If you take it seriously and study, which is no easy task.

You’ll learn, never again to be intimidated by any legal notices in the mail, or calls from bill collectors and the like, threatening to take you to court… You’ll know exactly what to do, and what you can do within the limits of law AND know how to exercise your rights.

So, let me ask you again – what’s that worth?

We’ve already established that you can’t afford a lawyer and that you’re looking for help. Certainly, you realize that nothing in life, of any real value is free. But we’re not talking about paying a lawyer two, three, four or even five billable hours of your hard-earned money for peace of mind.

I’m no guru and I’m not suggesting that clicking on this link will lead you to enlightenment… Nor am I saying that if you’re on the wrong side of a legal issue, this will make it right. However, if you can’t afford a lawyer and have limited options, this will open up more possibilities and a brighter future for you, all for about the price of one billable hour.

Yes, about one hour of an average attorney’s time…

Why, because I believe he cares more about the law and the principles of justice and the American way of life. These are some of the same things that I hold near and dear to my heart, which is why I’ve put this little site together.


Click on this link and you’ll be redirected to the platform that I use. Spend some time on it. Digest every word and make your decision. Everything from this point on, is up to you… I believe everything I’ve presented here is honest, ethical and true. Decide for yourself, click here: